
Interactive 3D Virtual Simulations for Learning and Assessment

“Demand for our time is increasingly exceeding our capacity — draining us of the energy we need to bring our skill and talent fully to life. Increased competitiveness and a leaner, post-recession workforce add to the pressures. The rise of digital technology is perhaps the biggest influence, exposing us to an unprecedented flood of information and requests that we feel compelled to read and respond at all hours of the day and night.” (Schwartz, Porath, 2014) How will we face future employment where improved productivity is constantly measured, where work is rewarding not boring, and quality of life enlarges our social fabric? How will our future workforce accommodate rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, if the education and training community does not address the necessary skills and learning modalities? Face-to-face instruction cannot be implemented in a timely manner to meet the demands caused by the rapid advances in our knowledge economy. Today’s employee must adjust her skills to this new reality by taking advantage of new self-directed learning modalities presented by technology. The paradox created that a learner must use technology to overcome their lack of skills caused by new advances in technology must precipitate many a sleepless night. How will our future workforce accommodate rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, if the education and training community does not address the necessary skills and learning modalities? Serious games are educational experiences specifically designed to deliver formative or summative assessments, based on pre-determined learning objectives. Dennis Glenn LLC specializes in non-immersive AR, the most favored format that simulates the experience of someone playing a modern video game.

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